格蘭帝磁磚、虎頭蜂磁磚、飛來福瓷磚、鯨來旺瓷磚弘松窯業股份有限公司,創立於民國七十八年。追朔其前身,民國五十六年歷經鳳鳴陶器工廠、弘亞股份有限公司、遠東磁器股份有限公司,進而演變至今具有宏大規模的弘松窯業股份有限公司。 在總裁卓木川先生,董事長卓義地先生及總經理卓郁陽先生的用心領導之下,秉持著一貫經營理念:『品質看得見,過程是關鍵』、『用心做好每一片磁磚』,全面提昇產品素質,以高品質磁磚來確保消費者的最高權益。
為了朝向永續經營的方針邁進,及展現國際化之企業形象,進而與國際接軌,於八十四年度起,全面導入ISO國際品質保 證制度,並於同年十二月份通過經濟部商品檢驗局之IS O-9002國際品質保證制度認可登錄。
民國九十年,在 總經理卓郁陽先生的執著理念『好磚才有做,好磚才有出』的產品精緻品質目標下,陸續不惜鉅資,採購五套義大利及台灣精品大師級矽膠滾筒印刷機,六套大型義大利VELA刀幕式淋釉機,及二套大型修邊生產線。
GRAND ceramics Co., Ltd. is established in 1989. Previously, since 1967, it evolves from Fun Min Ceramic Factory, Hung Ya Company and Far East China Co., Ltd. to today’s large scale GRAND ceramics Co., Ltd.
Under the direction of president Mr. Chou Mo Chun, Chairman of the Board Mr. Chou Yi Dee and General Manager Mr. Chou Yu Yang, based on consistence operation principle: “Quality can be seen, process is the key” and “make each piece ceramic tile the best”, the product qualities are upgraded in all areas. High quality ceramic tiles are used to protect the ultimate rights of consumers.
Working toward the goal of sustained operation and present the internationalization of enterprise image to keep in line with the world, in 1985, the company implemented the ISO international quality assurance system completely.
In December of the same year, our company received MOEA Consumer Product Testing Bureau’s ISO-9002 international quality assurance system certification and registration to ensure the actual implementation of total quality assurance system and focus on the deep root of total quality assurance system.
Starting from the first line employees, the total participation of all employees is reached. Every working unit has enthusiastically brought out the consciousness of quality assurance by all employees. Scientific method is used to go after the quality superiority. And, with the continuously go after the best and change, the focus is on research and development, superior innovation, lower cost for perfect quality and achieve the goal of quality assurance implementation.
In 2001under the consistent basic principle of General manager Chou Yu Yang, “Only make good brick and only ship good brick”, exquisite product quality goal, company has invested large capitals continuously to purchase 5 sets of Italian and Taiwan master grade silicone rubber roller printers, 6 sets of Italian VELA knife curtain type enamel coating machine and 2 sets of large edge trimming production lines. And, enamel reagents are imported from Italy and Spain.
Oversea engineers are hired to assist on the improvement of products. The results are rooting and growing of exquisite product quality goal. And, in 2003, the largest edge domestic trimmed wall tiles are introduced into the market. And, again, in 2005 our company received MOEA Consumer Product Testing Bureau’s ISO-9002 international quality assurance system certification and registration .
義大利進口全自動化滾軸窯爐三條(日產量約為11,000m2),五條施軸線及自動儲存設備,SACMI PH2500高壓成型機一台,SACMI PH1400及SACMI PH690高壓成型機各二台等,6套義大利及台灣大師級滾筒印花機,10部大型義大利VELA刀幕式淋釉機。
Primary facilities:
3units of automatic roller kiln imported from Italy (daily production capacity around11,000M2);5 imported Italian glazing lines,storage system and edge forming equipment;5 sets imported Italian hydraulic pressurized molding machine it comprises;1 set of SACMI PH2500;2 sets of SACMI PH1400 and 2 sets of SACMI PH690;6 sets of Master-series silicon roller printing machine and 10 sets of VELA high-pressure blade- type glazed applicavuon machinesare made in Taiwan and by Italy.